Thursday, 13 July to Thursday, 13 July, 2023 
TALK WITH FOOD: An evening with Shahed Joundy

Shahed Joundry

An evening with Shahed Joundy including a talk about her art accompanied by a taste of Syrian food.

 - Tickets are £10 each and will include a Syrian meal! -

Come and enjoy the Syrian experience and hear Shahed talk about her life in Syria and how it's changed when she moved to the UK. Get an understanding of her art and how she uses it to expresses her life experiences.

Shahed is from Syria. She is an artist and illustrator who graduated from the University of Syria as a graphic designer. She came to the UK at the beginning of lockdown, and some of her art illustrates her experience of that unprecedented time. However, most of her art illustrates the anguish of Syria, and her journey from Syria to the UK. Shahed's ethos is to express art through emotion, where even the happiest moments are tinged sorrow.


As of Saturday 2nd March 2024, we are back open again on Saturday afternoons and evenings.
We look forward to seeing you all again.

(Other individually listed events may be on outside of these hours)

More of Shahed's Artwork